In the morning,in the morning,
in the morning comes the sun!
In the morning,in the morning,
I am glad the day`s begun!
In the morning,in the morning,
Pray "God bless us,everyone!"
Once I caught a fish alive.
Why did you let it go ?
Because it bit my finger so.
Sun,sun,Mr.Golden sun,
Hiding behind the trees,
These little children are asking you,
Please come out so we
Can play with you.
Sun,sun,Mr.Golden sun,
Please shine down on me.
Red Light, Red Light
Red light, Red light,
What do you say?
I say stop and stop right away.
Yellow light, Yellow light,
What do you mean?
I mean wait till the light turns green.
Green light,Green light,
What do you say?
I say go and go right away.
Little girl,little girl,
Where have you been?
Gathering roses
to give to the Queen.
Little girl,little girl,
what gave she you?
She gave me a diamond
as big as my shoe.
I Love Little Pussy
I love little pussy,
her coat is so warm!
And if I don`t hurt her,
she`ll do me no harm.
I won`t pull her tail
or drive her away,
And Pussy and I
together will play.
Two Little Dickie Birds
Two little Dickie birds,
Sitting on a wall,
One named Peter,
The other named Paul;
Fly away, Peter!
Fly away, Paul!
Come back, Peter!
Come back, Paul!
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty
sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty
had a great fall.
All the king`s horses
And all the king`s men
Couldn`t put Humpty Dumpty
Together again.
I Love You Dolphin
I love you dolphin,
Can I swim with you?
I love you dolphin,
Can I dance with you?
I love you dolphin,
Can I jump with you?
I love you dolphin,
Can I play with you?
I love you